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Why Sabbath? Why coffee?

Why Sabbath? Why coffee?

One of these two questions have been asked to either Miranda, myself (Trevor) or both of us since we started roasting under the name Sabbath Coffee Co back in 2015.

The second one is probably easier to answer. We love coffee. We met over a cup of coffee in 2012 and that single cup changed our lives for the better. We have been married for 10 years, we have three children, we've gone through various career changes, pain, heartache and joy. Life has happened. Yet, one thing has remained; coffee.


I was a barista in college, an avid home brewer who constantly sought only the newest gear, new forums to discuss coffee theory and any new incredible coffees I could get my hands on. Miranda is Italian, so espresso is in her blood. From the get-go, we knew what the value of a cup of coffee could hold inside of our daily lives.

Whether it was an evening cup to pair with dessert, at a family gathering, or a first date, coffee ordered something communal.

So I guess that's how we started to answer question one. Why Sabbath?

Young newlyweds in 2014, fresh out of college, love wasn't paying the bills. I was working in the auto industry pulling 60-hour work weeks and Miranda was doing her thing as a graphic designer. We were feeling torched, unfulfilled, and honestly, I was depressed. During that time, we had started to home roast our own coffee, and passed it out to friends and family as gifts. People would often tell us we should sell it! We saw no value in that. Until one night, we stayed up dreaming. We talked about retiring and opening a cafe. But there we were. We wanted change. We wanted rest. We knew people were just like us. Flying around being overworked, and exhausted, by the world we lived in. What if we did it now? What if we brought people some rest through coffee?

So, in a little apartment we chose the name Sabbath; meaning to rest, pause, or find respite. Two people who felt exhausted, wanted rest, and wanted to bring people something that would cause them to pause!

From there the story goes... We sold at farmer's markets, did pop-ups, drove and hand delivered orders, went from one little behmor roaster, to two, then to a mill city 1kg we bought, used. A failed attempt at a cafe in a city. Then we found this little space in Clawson... and the rest is history. Or maybe a blog post.